Spring has come again to my corner of the world. Each bush, plant and tree bursts forth in shades of lilac and pale gold so quickly, it stops me in my tracks. The weeks of winter, all the days of waiting give way to wonder.
Seeing Light, 12" x 12," Monoprint Collage with Walnut Ink
I can't keep up with it! The jasmine over our back gate opens, showering its fragrance on passers by.
The jasmine's abundance is infectious. Up in the studio, my pieced collages grow apace. Tender new leaves tempt me on on my walks. I gather handfuls of leaves and carry them, like gifts, up to the studio.
Last fall, I started a bucket of walnut ink last fall and this week, I called it ready and poured rich, inky liquid into half pint jars, lining them up to admire their contents.
I'm brushing the ink on some of my paper squares before I print and I like the subtle undertones it adds to the work. I'm curious to see how it affects the direction of new prints and I'll share more as they emerge. In the meantime, I wish you much delight as spring unfolds, wherever you are.
Squares with walnut ink, ready for printing with eucalyptus leaves.