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Chance Encouters, 20” x 8”, Monoprint Collage
Born in September, I always associate early autumn with goldenrod and school supplies. Now, I've come to see fall as a time of reflection.
During this year of extraordinary challenges, I'm taking those that have come my way and squeezing them for all they're worth to extract whatever inspiration that lies within them.
In the studio, I'm working on two series of collages, each of which travels along a line. I'm hoping that at some point these lines, not being parallel, will intersect.
In the first series, Chance Encounters, I've taken pieces of cyanotypes, monoprints, and book text and mixed them up to create interactive quilt blocks of information. The other day, I looked at my bookcase and was struck by how much the collages also look like books.
The second series, Plum Time, explores a mixture of ferns and the redbud leaves called Forest Pansies. I'm looking for calm, for space with underlying texture.
Books, quilts, and textiles, these are all tactile objects that bring comfort and inspiration during these uncertain times, and I'm following the threads to see where they will lead.
Below: Plumtime 1 , 9" x 12", Monoprint Collage
Monoprinting; A Quick Look
Over the past several years, I've had inquiries from friends and followers on Instagram about teaching online classes. Initially, I was flattered, but teaching in person was still an option. I love the give and take that being together in a class offers. Inspiration flows, like air through the classroom.
Given that for now, we can't venture out to local art centers, and, that I'm married to a videographer, I decided to dive in and create a video class series.
I plan to begin with a class on basic botanical monoprinting, follow with a second on alternative botanical printmaking techniques and finally a third on how to bring it all together in a collage format.
I've made a short video to share with you. You'll learn what you need to get started and the basics of how to make a botanical monoprint.
Please enjoy and I hope that it whets your appetite for more!
I'll be taping the first class next week and hope to offer it as "Art Antidote" in early November.
Reflections from a Covid Summer
In my last newsletter I asked you what mind hacks and/or crazy fun things have you come up with during this time. I received some wonderful replies to share with you (lightly edited for style as the New York Times says;).
It is a consolation, in these troubling times, to live in a cozy place with endless skies, mountain ranges and nature so close by. When we head out for a hike around 6:30 am, all kinds of creatures can be stirring in the chamiso bushes, pinions, and flowering cactus. If we're lucky, we can hear a band of coyotes running through the arroyos howling their dawn and dusk songs.
Tori, New Mexico
You are reading my mind. I have wondered what other artists are up to. As I mentioned the illustration project about adoption has kept me busy. It is all in collage so those tiny pieces of paper have become my world.
Beth, Georgia
Last week I spied a Eucalyptus branch that had fallen...such a pretty color and textured bark... I snatched it up and proudly carried it home. My plan is to make a Spirit Stick. This one will be simple though to show off much of the beautiful bark. I was so happy to be inspired in the moment, grateful for tiny moments now.
Sara, California