What a year it has been for all of us. Thankfully, now there is hope. Hope in the form of a vaccine, hope because we understand how to keep each other safe--even though we are longing to travel, longing to hug,, longing to see our families and friends.
Art has played a key role in keeping myself sane. Many of you know that I practiced art therapy for many years. This year, I turned the practice towards myself. I took the pressure to look for commissions off myself and decided to spend the year learning more about abstraction. I'm really happy I did.
And in a funny way, I've come full circle. I posted an image on Instagram the other day which I'd discovered in one those tiny files in my Instagram profile. It was a picture of two of my botanical prints, blown up to create large scale prints. When I looked at it, I saw a freedom that I haven't felt this year, an expansiveness. I began to see ways in which I can combine the lushness of those prints with abstraction. And as I did, it seemed my window into the new year of 2021 began to open.
My wish for all of us this holiday season is that we keep our eyes open to new doors, new possibilities.
Crossing the Water and Just off the Porch