Time to Be An Artist In Residence!
The Never Ending Collage
When I woke up this morning, I thought I'd to write a newsletter full of suggestions for art resources I've found, but honestly, I've been inundated with such emails. So what next?
I remembered that at this time last year, I was an Artist in Residence at the Mendocino Art Center. It occurred to me that all of us, artists or not, have an opportunity to become artists in residence, right here, right now. We can, if we want, create the retreat of our lifetime. There are few silver linings in this cloud of virus, but the ability to choose how we respond to confinement is one of them. Making art and sharing it with others is a powerful way to calm ourselves and feel connected in the midst of this unfolding pandemic.
I've been wondering what I can to do to help and I came up with this idea. As many of you know, a popular small item at my Open Studio sales are my collage kits.
Full of small original prints, ecoprints and emphemera, I'm offering 50 of these kits FREE to the first 50 people who email me your full name, address and one of your favorite colors. Each kit will include a variety of collage materials and a 5" x 7" piece of matboard that you can use as a base for your collage.
The cost of mailing and supplies is being generously underwritten by my friend, the writer, Carol Spindel. Thank you Carol, for listening to my ideas and helping me refine them to sane and healthy proportions!
I'm also going to match those 50 kits with an additional 50 kits for Whidbey Island children. I'll prepare the kits and as people request them, they will be available in a pick up box on our front porch. I'm calling it The Front Porch Project.
Wishing you abundant creativity & good health!
Work from students in “Leaf-Paper-Print-Collage” Workshop
Before the virus prevented easy travel, I had the good fortune to teach a printmaking and collage workshop in Davis at the Pence Gallery. I was delighted to have an amazing group of students and we eco and monoprinted our way through three days. I've got a future workshop scheduled for September at the Pacific Northwest Art School, September 11- 13. Presently it's still scheduled for that time and we'll stay tuned. In the meantime, I want to share some of these students' excellent work.
Work from students in “Leaf-Paper-Print-Collage” Workshop